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Pushkin! The word, which for a long time has ceased to be for us only the name of the writer, albeit a great one, but became the designation of something without which our very life cannot be conceived. Why?
There are those writers and poets who come and go to us, and sometimes again, replacing each other, come. From the first, still heard, not yet memorized, but already remembered poems: “The oak has green oak ...”, “The wind, the wind, you are powerful ...” grandchildren: "And he will remember about me." For life.

Already the contemporaries of the writer, people who knew him personally, who fought with Pushkin the man, will be the first to say the words about Pushkin as a grandiose, spontaneous phenomenon after the death of the poet. "The Sun of Our Poetry" - The Sun! - Russia remembered forever the words of Odoyevsky. And Belinsky would later compare Pushkin with the Volga, which will worship millions of people in Russia. Why? “With Pushkin’s name,” said Gogol, “the thought of the Russian national poet immediately dawns ... In fact, none of our poets are above him and can no longer be called national; this right belongs to him resolutely ... this is Russian in its development, in which it may appear in two hundred years. In it, the Russian nature, the Russian soul, the Russian language, the Russian character were reflected in the same purity, in such purified beauty, in which the landscape is reflected on the convex surface of optical glass. his life is completely Russian. "


Pushkin accomplished in his work the entire conceivable human cycle and, as a result, he himself crowned him with the Monument. Does this mean how often people wrote and wrote that Pushkin had exhausted himself, that this was the end? In a sense, yes. After all, the appearance of the "Monument" is hardly accidental. And yet those few contemporaries were right who wrote that Pushkin was just beginning, that Pushkin was still all ahead.

After 1812 a truly national Russian literature emerged, our first national poet appeared. In a brief but urgent recommendation to compile a dictionary of the “classic Russian language”, V. I. Lenin indicated a starting point: from Pushkin ...
Everything in the new Russian literature comes from Pushkin. The creator of the Russian literary language. The founder of Russian realism. The first authentic artist-historian. First ... First ... First. But it happened because he was the last, the end of all ends, the end of a great era - the XVIII century. Pushkin's word "Freedom" followed "after Radishchev." The famous line “I erected a monument to myself ...” is a repetition of Derzhavin.

In the middle of the last century, critic Nikolai Strakhov, although not without polemical goals, even argued that Pushkin was not an innovator, that first of all he turned to those already created by others, and sections of his Notes on Pushkin entitled: “No innovations”, Aims "," Imitations "...

Yes, Pushkin was climbing the dizzying height of wisdom already infinite, all-encompassing wisdom. And we, the small ones, always have hope: in whatever stage we are, whatever stage we are in, whatever situation we are in, there is hope for understanding, sympathy, response, feedback, feedback. Is it not this riddle of resolved all-humanity, according to Dostoevsky’s word, that Pushkin took with him, the all-human, already contained in it, solved in it?

And a century and a half ago, people here, at this place, on this day and hour, were worried, crying, grieving and complaining bitterly - belatedly. And a century and a half later, we think: how did they not warn, did not rush, did not save? And a century and a half later, already knowing everything, we think, we believe: if we were there, then, we would have come, ran, covered! And how Pushkin’s death itself strengthens us in this human readiness, for each of the years that have passed since then brings Russia all the growing joy of communion with Pushkin, but for the same thing all the growing grief and bitterness of loss. Of course, our ancestors, who were here then, experienced a great, already from the very surprise of Pushkin's death, the sharpness of perception of it. We have got repeatedly increasing severity of comprehension.

It so happens that we often think about birthdays than about the time of death. But there is not only joy, but also pain, not only happiness, but also suffering, not only life, but also death. And the Pushkin death every time and always tells you to know this and remember this: about the mystery of death, and the courage to overcome, and about the ultimate enlightenment. That is why in the very departure Pushkin did not leave us, and, leaving, he did not leave us, and, leaving, he did not leave us - he, Pushkin.

Книга "Русский гений". Николай СКАТОВ. 
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