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Writing Examples
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Tests for self-test:


A.S. Pushkin.
Poems: "Village", "Prisoner", "In the depths of Siberian ores ...", "Poet", "To Chaadaev", "Song of the Wise Oleg", "To the Sea", "Nanny", "K ***" ( "I remember a wonderful moment ..."), "October 19" ("The scarlet forest hides his hat ..."), "The Prophet", "Winter Road", "Anchar", "On the hills of Georgia lies the night mist ...", "I have you loved: love still, perhaps ... "," Winter Morning "," Demons "," Conversation of a Bookseller with a Poet "," Cloud "," I erected not a man-made monument to myself ... "," The day light went out ... "," Freedom sower ... "," Imitations of the Qur'an "(IX." And the traveler is tired of the rest of God ... ")," Elegy "(" crazy years extinct fun ... ")," ... Once again I visited ... ".
A.S. Pushkin. The novel "The Captain's Daughter."
A.S. Pushkin. The poem "The Bronze Horseman".
A.S. Pushkin. The novel "Eugene Onegin".

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